

Jan 24 , 2022


ICP-AES and X-ray fluorescence instruments for the elemental analysis of materials and chemicals


ICP-AES and XRF spectrometers from Jinyibo are as versatile as the industrial infrastructure and the analytical applications of the entire chemical industry.


During production, they are used to determine the elemental composition of raw materials and additives, for the monitoring and control of production processes, for quality control of stored materials and shipments and many other applications. But which instrument is best suited to your needs? When selecting the right instrument, the requirements for accuracy and speed of the analysis are of key importance. Jinyibo, with its comprehensive range of ICP-AES and X-ray fluorescence spectrometers, offers the optimum solution for every application.


When we face the elements like O,N,H,C are not available on ICP or EDXRF, we have more choice on our oxygen nitrogen hydrogen analyzer and carbon sulfur analyzer.


Applicable Products:

TY9900 ICP-AES CS8820S Carbon Sulfur Analyzer ONH Analyzer
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